Bachelor Academic Studies
September 5, 2022 2022-10-17 12:33Bachelor Academic Studies
The University of Belgrade. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Bachelor Academic Studies
Title Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. from the Latin Baccalaureus Scientiæ) will be stated in Diploma certificate of Bachelor studies (ECTS 180). A Diploma Supplement will contain a list of courses the student has attended and passed exams in. Abbreviations: B.Sc.ME or BSc ME.
/ Student from UK
- 07 / 04 : Results of the Erasmus+ Project BE21SKILLED presented to the Management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 06 / 18 : A new generation of of young leaders: Skills for a better future
- 03 / 06 : Building R&D capacities for zero carbon emission Internal Combustion Engines in the transport sector
- 02 / 14 : The Student Excellence Centre
- 02 / 21 : The Beoavia team
1st level of studies
Mechanical Engineering - 180 ECTS
1st level of studies
IT in Mechanical Engineering - 180 ECTS
Applying the acquired knowledge and methods in order to solve the given tasks within the chosen field. The task refers to studying the problem, its structure and complexity, and coming up with adequate solutions. The student acquires knowledge on the manner, structure and form of writing a projectreport which refers to the activities undertaken within the given topic of the Final course. The student acquires the adequate level of knowledge, skills and competences referring to the problem field, implemented methods and obtained results. The student also acquires the ability to publicly present the results of independent work, organised in an appropriate form.
1st level of studies
B.Sc. (undergraduate) Academic Studies
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