The route to J-integral by prof. James Rice

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The route to J-integral by prof. James Rice

Professor James Rice, world-leading expert in the field of mechanics, recently visited the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, where he held a heavily attended lecture devoted to the 50th anniversary of his paper about the J-integral. The lecture was a part of the international fracture mechanics Summer School, an event that accompanied the 22nd European Conference on Fracture which is currently taking place at the “Metropol” hotel.

James rice is a professor of engineering sciences and geophysics at the Harvard University in the USA. Fifty years ago he formulated one of the most important fracture mechanics parameters, the so-called J-integral, which is defined as one of the means for calculating of the change in fracture surface strain energy, which is of great significance in structural integrity assessment. During his lecture, Professor Rice also mentioned some of the applications of the J-integral, which was particularly important to some of the Summer School participants.

The concept of the J-integral is indubitably one the most important scientific contributions of prof. Rice. During the last few decades, his research was focused on the subjects in the field of geomechanics – glaciers, earthquakes and other important aspects of fracture, which he specifically spoke of in his introductory lesson at the opening of the 22nd European Conference on Fracture.

After the previous conferences held in Trondheim and Catania, this year’s Summer School took place on 25th and 26th of August in Belgrade. It was organised by the Structural Integrity and Life Society “Prof. dr Stojan Sedmak”, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.

The Summer School was attended by around 150 participants. Young researchers, engineers and PhD students from all over the world had the opportunity to learn about the latest research results in the field of fracture mechanics, by listening to lectures held by world-leading experts.

Prof. John Landes from the USA spoke about the topic of “Basics of experimental fracture mechanics, linear elastic and elastic-plastic growth”. The lecture held by prof. Francesco Iacoviello from the Cassina University in Italy was about the “Basics of experimental fracture mechanics, fatigue crack growth”. Prof. Bamber Blackman from the Imperial College in London spoke about the deforming and failure of polymers and composites, whereas the subject of interface fracture mechanics was covered by prof. Leslie Banks-Sills from the Tel Aviv University in Israel.

The first international fracture mechanics Summer School, known as “The Introduction to Fracture Mechanics and fracture-safe design was organised in 1980 by the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and the GOŠA Institute, under the initiative of prof. Michael Wnuk (Wisconsin University, Milwaukee) and prof. Stojan Sedmak (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade). The Summer School was attended by a total of 63 participants, and 20 lectures were held, one of which was an invited lecture.

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Aims and Scope

The journal FME Transactions publishes original papers (reviewing and contributed papers, and short communications) from all fields of Mechanical Engineering, which is, as a branch of Engineering, considered in the journal in its broadest possible sense. Thus, the articles are welcome from: Applied Mechanics, Fluids Engineering, Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Robotics, Material Science, Tribology, Combustion, Mechanical Design and Machine Dynamics, Productional, Industrial, Agricultural, Aerospace, Processing, Railway, Biomedical and Control Engineering, Mechanization, Hydro- and Thermo-power Systems, Internal Combustion Engines and Vehicle Dynamics, Energy Resources Technology, Military Technology, Naval Architecture, and Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

Theoretical, experimental and computational analyses of various problems of Mechanical Engineering are equally welcome and acceptable for publication. In addition, there will be published book reviews, announcements of symposia, and in special issues, proceedings of selected papers from symposia organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.

Reviewing papers will be published by invitation only. One volume consists of four numbers.

  • Paper category: M21 15 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in leading international journal

  • Paper category: M22 14 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in distinguished international journal

  • Paper category: M23 13 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in international journal

  • Paper category: M24 10 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in international journal verified by a special decision

  • Paper category: M51 10 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in leading national journal

  • Paper category: M52 8 ECTS

    Explanation: Paper published in national journal

  • Paper category: M33 6 ECTS

    Explanation: Presented paper published as a whole in proceedings of an international conference

  • Paper category: M34 4 ECTS

    Explanation: Presented paper published as an extract in proceedings of an international conference

The list of international journals can be accessed by using Kobson database at this link

If the paper has more than one author, the number of credit points is divided by n-1, where n is the number of authors. The total number of credit points gained for this activity cannot exceed, in sum, 40 points in all four reports, irrespective of the number of papers. The report must contain the title of the paper with all references and the number of credit points assigned.

Hydropower Engineering
1.1.5 Theory of turbomachinery
1.2.5 Pumps
2.1.5 Hydraulic turbines
2.2.5 Machine design of pumps, fans and turbocompressors
2.3.5 Fans and turbocompressors
3.1.5 Hydropower plants and equipment
3.2.5 Hydraulic power transmitters
3.3.5 Hydropower measurements
4.1 Skill praxis M - HEN
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Hydropower plants, machines and equipment, have various applications in many industrial areas such as: electro power industry, turbo machines production industry, hydro power plants, water supply factories, oil industry, chemical industry, turbo machines management and many others where applied fluid mechanics is important.

This points out that the necessities for hydropower engineers are evident and that is why there is a strong interest of students to study the specialization in Hydropower Engineering. In addition to the thorough learning of the matter, students acquire knowledge from other mechanical engineering disciplines, so that they can involve in other domains of mechanical engineering, if necessary.

The study specialization in hydropower engineering is the only one in the country with contemporary teaching programmes at all three levels of studies – BSc, MSc, PhD. Research potential is based on modern laboratories and equipment. Students are very actively involved in all research projects with industry, other faculties and institutes, wherefrom a significant number of results is published in literature and applied in industry.

The Department prepares students to become practicing proffessional engineers who participate fully in activities of design, operation, production, maintenance, safety, marketing, sales and administration. Particular strength of the Department includes complex and warranty measurements in pumps, compressors, fans and water turbines, as an independent national laboratory.

Obligatory courses for MSc:

Thermal Science Engineering
1.1.5 Steam boilers elements and equipments
1.2.5 Refrigeration equipment
2.1.5 Steam boiler processing
2.2.5 Refrigeration systems
2.3.5 Air-conditioning fundamentals
3.1.5 Thermal power plants and heat plants
3.2.5 Heat pumps
3.3.5 Air conditioning systems
4.1 Skill praxis M - TTA
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics
1.1.5 Facility layout and industrial logistics
1.2.5 Computer aided design in material handling practice
2.1.5 Structural and stress analysis
2.2.5 Transport and logistic systems design
2.3.5 Conveying and material handling machines
3.1.5 Mining and construction machines
3.2.5 Cranes design
3.3.5 Eco design
4.1 Skill praxis M - TKL
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Thermal Power Engineering
1.1.5 Steam turbines 1
1.2.5 Power steam boiler 1
2.1.5 Steam turbines 2
2.2.5 Thermal power plants 1
2.3.5 Gas turbines
3.1.5 Energy planning
3.2.5 Themal power plants 2
3.3.5 Steam generators
4.1 Skill praxis M - TEN
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Weapon Systems
1.1.5 Physics of explosive processes
1.2.5 Flight dynamics and aerodynamic of projectiles
2.1.3 Missile propulsion
2.1.2 Fire control systems
2.2.3 Interior ballistics
2.2.2 Automatic weapons
2.3.2 Missile guidance and control
2.3.3 Projectile design
3.1.3 Artillery weapons design
3.1.2 Launching theory
3.2.5 Missile design and launchers
3.3.3 Terminal ballistics
3.3.2 Optical devices and optoelectronics
4.1 Skill praxis M - SIN
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Weapon Systems module provides a rich environment for Master and Doctoral studies, supported by stimulating education and research projects applied to defense technology. The Weapon Systems Department offers comprehensive education in areas of classical weapon and rocket/missile systems, as well as in relevant scientific disciplines essential for study and research in this complex multi-disciplinary field.

Good cooperation with other Departments within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and numerous military and civilian research and development institutions provides high quality academic foundation for education in the field of defense technologies and weapon systems.

The Weapon Systems module is the place where new technologies in the broadest sense are being studied, providing to the students multi-disciplinary knowledge in the field of weapon design, enabling choices within the variety of teaching subjects, allowing studies in smaller groups, offering good employment opportunities and other benefits.

The Department and its associates are engaged in numerous projects dealing with current issues in areas of weapons and defense equipment design. Courses / research fields:

Control Engineering
1.1.5 Computer control
1.2.5 Automatic control
2.1.5 Dynamic systems modelling, identification and simulation
2.2.5 Nonlinear systems 1
2.3.5 Linear systems synthesis
3.1.5 Bioaumatics
3.2.5 Industrial process control
3.3.5 Nonlinear systems 2
4.1 Skill praxis M - SAU
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Study module involves teaching activities focused on the development of methodologies, algorithms and software for modelling, simulation, control and automation of complex apparatus and systems, plus their applications in many diff erent areas. The theoretical and applied research carried out at the department, has a signifi cant impact on teaching process. Research is concentrated on systems for identification, prediction and control of complex systems, along with their applications in the automotive and aerospace sectors, on new technologies for multi-company logistics, on software for simulation and robot control. Within computer engineering, our research spans a wide range of areas from computer networks to computer graphics, from voice recognition systems to the architecture for arithmetic calculation, from databases to software engineering, from electronic circuit design to CAD instruments which assist in planning

Process Engineering and Environment Protection
1.1.5 Transport phenomena in process industry
1.2.5 Mechanical and hydromechanical operations and equipment
2.1.5 Heat transfer operations and equipment
2.2.5 Biotechnology
2.3.5 Chemical and biochemical operations and reactors
3.1.5 Design, construction and operation of processing systems
3.2.5 Mass transfer operations and equipment
3.3.2 Air pollution control
3.3.3 Waste and wastewater management
4.1 Skill praxis M - PTH
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Production Engineering
1.1.5 Manufacturing automation
1.2.5 Industrial robots
2.1.5 Manufacturing systems design
2.2.5 Computer integrated manufacturing systems and technology
2.3.5 Production information systems
3.1.5 New technologies
3.2.5 Quality management
3.3.5 Intelligent manufacturing systems
4.1 Skill praxis M - PRO
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Production Engineering Department has created a contemporary school of production engineering that consists of three study programs: BSc, MSc and PhD studies. The curriculum covers three basic areas of production engineering with scientific content in the domain of techniques, technologies and cybernetics. Production techniques relate to a wide spectrum of tool machines, robots and robotic systems, automatic assembly systems, measurement and control machines, flexible technological systems, working systems and other components and elements. Production technologies are based on a wide spectrum of different technologies, including computer technologies for process simulation and process design. Production cybernetics includes CAD, CAM, CAE systems in the engineering design area of products and production, organization, planning and numeric control.

Programs of study are well rounded and balanced units, embracing methods of study and knowledge tests, study results and student competencies. Department has at its disposal the facilities and equipment necessary for performing all forms of education at very high quality levels: Amphitheatre, Classrooms, Laboratories, Library area…

Food Industry Engineering
1.1.5 Product aestetics
1.2.5 Refrigeration in food technologies
2.1.5 Engineering condition monitoring
2.2.5 Design of mechanisms and manipulators in the food industry
2.3.5 Conveying and material handling machines
3.1.5 Packaging machines
3.2.5 Food processing machines
3.3.5 Plant and process design and energy systems
4.1 Skill praxis M - PRM
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Study programes on Master and PhD levels are research oriented and require theses to be completed. A typical master program contains lots of course work, with the second year devoted to research and thesis, plus additional courses. The PhD program in food industry engineering sets the scientific standard. This doctoral program generally emphasizes courses for 3 semesters, after which the focus switches to a research needed for dissertation. Since food industry engineers work at the interface between food materials and engineering, they must be knowledgeable in both disciplines. This mixture of engineering and food or biology is the distinguishing feature that makes food industry engineering unique among the engineering disciplines and provides the additional dimension of an understanding of life sciences.

Internal Combustion Engines
1.1.5 Еngine working processes
1.2.5 Mixture formation and combustion in IC engines
2.1.5 IC engine design 1
2.2.5 IC engines mechatronics
2.3.5 Supercharging of IC engines
3.1.5 IC engine design 2
3.2.5 IC engine testing
3.3.2 3.3.3 Еngine design project Ecology of mobile power sources
4.1 Skill praxis M - MOT
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Since internal combustion engines are one of the most complex and dynamic machines, studies demand multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, we at the Department of Internal Combustion Engines (ICED) dedicate ourselves to provide BSc, MSc and PhD education for the students interested to enter the field of engineering which continually grows and develops faster than ever in its 120 year long history. The study programmes at ICED rely on fundamentals in mathematics, fluid and thermal sciences, with focusing issues on combustion, heat transfer and gas fl ow. We further provide students with in-detail knowledge and advanced approach in fields of engine process, its modelling and simulation, mixture formation, turbo charging and engine mechatronics. Acting with a sense of social and ecological responsibility, we apply special attention to lectures concerning pollutant formation and control and evaluation of alternative power sources. Study of Internal Combustion Engines is hardly imaginable without extensive laboratory practice. For this reason, we at ICED, apply special attention to practical training in instrumentation and measurement techniques in general, highlighting very interesting topics in special techniques of stationary and dynamic measurements on engines. ICED, widely recognized for development of its own high-tech measuring and acquisition equipment and application of advanced high quality instrumentation, encourages students to involve in experimentation as a basic tool in engine development. World wide recognized practice to involve students to participate in research projects during their thesis work, use of large laboratory facilities, modern equipment, problem-solution oriented lectures and almost individual approach to each student, are some of the main benefits of studying at ICED.
Motor Vehicles
1.1.5 Vehicle design
1.2.5 System effectiveness
2.1.5 Vehicle propulsion and suspension systems
2.2.5 Automotive friction systems
2.3.5 Vehicle mechatronics
3.1.5 Vehicle body structure
3.2.5 Vehicle testing
3.3.5 Vehicle maintenance
4.1 Skill praxis M - MOV
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
The Motor Vehicle Department prepares students for a wide range of careers in a fast growing, rapidly changing automotive industry through BSc, MSc, and PhD educational levels. The demand for skilled, educated, and honest professionals continues to intensify as the complexity of the modern automobiles increases. Students will be provided with the tools and techniques necessary to achieve their potential. They will be shown how to produce an idea for product development or how to make decisions related to possible ways for product improvement. Students will learn to use sophisticated methods to design and develop new or improved vehicles and/or components. To achieve this, students will be encouraged to develop the skills and attitudes needed to work effectively in a multidisciplinary design team. As an automotive industry deals with the com plex products, processes and constraints, engineer’s approach to motor vehicle development cannot be based on the simple strategy of specifying “good quality” components. Designing and assembling of motor vehicles with confidence involves quantifying the function and performance of systems and subsystems. Working in the modern automotive industry cannot afford to ignore system approach in the process of vehicle and/or its components development. Accordingly, the motor vehicle courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that links the bottom level component design to the top level objectives, such as customer satisfaction and cost effectiveness.
Mechanical Engineering & Information Technology
1.1.5 С/С++
1.2.5 Object oriented paradigm
2.1.5 Algorithms and data structures
2.2.5 Programmable control systems
2.3.5 Data exquisite in mechanical engineering
3.1.5 Designing software for mechanical engineers
3.2.5 Methods of optimization
3.3.5 Numerical methods in continuum mechanics
4.1 Skill praxis M - MIT
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Rapid dissemination of digital technologies has been accompanied by the development of high-performance intelligent machines, such as next generation mobile devices, hybryd cars and robots. These products and services are made possible by the integration of various technologies through digital technology. In response to current trends, the study module of Information Technologies (MIT) produces engineers who can utilize advanced equipment and information technology in a broad range of fields from product development to the construction of intelligent information services.

MIT produces human resources and technology that will integrate mechanical engineering, the foundation of design and manufacturing, with information engineering. This in turn is supposed to have a major impact on society. MIT off erseducational programmes to impart the basic knowledge and practical application ability in those areas of dynamics essential to equipment design, cartography and processing technology. We lecture subjects required for manufacturing products, control theory and computer control for machine and equipment control, and information-related subjects such as knowledge processing, and the Internet, all of which are es sential for the creation of viable computer models as well as the application of these technologies. In addition, students are given opportunities to conduct actual research through participation in joint projects with business enterprises in such areas as high-performance intelligent equipment, design and manufacturing technology and computer network technology.

Our students master the latest technology and research methods required for careers as researchers or engineers. The module program provides training in mechanical, digital and software technology to produce engineers with strengths in both information and mechanical engineering, and consequently, regardless of the surrounding economic conditions, graduates are sought after by businesses in a broad range of fields, including not only the manufacturing industry but also semiconductor and information system related businesses.

1.1.5 Analitical mechanics
1.2.5 Continuum mechanics
2.1.5 Theory of elasticity
2.2.5 Fluid mechanics 1
2.3.5 Multiphase flows M
3.1.5 Mechatronic robotics
3.2.5 Computational fluid mechanics
3.3.5 Theory of finite element method
4.1 Skill praxis M - MEH
4.3 M.Sc. thesis
Industrial Engineering
1.1.5 Operations research
1.2.5 Engineering statistics
2.1.5 Industrial logistic
2.2.5 Ergonomic designing
2.3.5 Database systems
3.1.5 Production and operations management 2
3.2.5 Organization design
3.3.5 Industrial management
4.1 Skill praxis M - IIE
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Today, industrial engineers are employed in all types of industry to design, improve and install systems using the methods and procedures of man, machine and materials. Mostly, they are concerned with production, although the analytical fact finding approach used today is applicable to almost any business or service enterprise.

The department curriculum is programmed to provide students with the skills required by modern industrial engineers, including analysis of product design to determine the optimum manufacturing process, selection of equipment and design of layout, design and installation of systems for controlling production, inventory, quality or cost, job design and methods improvement, design of material handling systems, manpower utilization and work measurement and operations research. In addition to disciplinary content, the Department also encourages students to attain expertise in the use of modern information technologies and take part in professional and extracurricular activities. As a result, our students are able to stand out in many international contests and activities. Altogether, the goal of this department is to produce efficient industrial engineers with a high rate of technical ability, including practical as well as theoretical knowledge, in order to attain secure and responsible positions in competitive arena of industrial and service enterprise.

Engineering of Biotechnical Systems
1.1.5 Tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines
1.2.5 Refrigeration in food technologies
2.1.5 Design of agricultur machines and equipment
2.2.5 Special techniques and technology of drying process
2.3.5 Processing technology of agricultural products
3.1.5 Geoinformation and remote control of biotechnic systems
3.2.5 Managing food safety and quality
3.3.5 Design of plants and process and energy systems
4.1 Skill praxis M - IBS
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Agricultural Engineering task is to apply technological tools to increase the agricultural production and effiency, improve product quality of the improvement. These problems will be even greater concern in the future. Courses unify the learned concepts into a practical ability to solve a broad range of engineering problems encountered in agriculture, biotehnology and food processing. The main concept of education, research and direction of this department development is precision farming which concerns modern technologies, such as computer design and construction, computer simulation, control and navigation, GPS and DGPS tehnologies, CAN bus systems, etc.

Engineering of Biotechnical Systems module educates highly qualified engineers capable of designing, constructing, researching mainteneance of agriculture machines, facilities and equipment. That is conducted throught bachelor, master and PhD studies. Diploma work refers to the actual problems of agricultural machineries, primarily projects essary for producers and users of agricultural machines and equipment. Graduates have a variety of career options, depending on their area of specialization. Employers include government agencies, civil engineering firms, food companies, machinery companies, and many other. Most of our students are offered positions immediately upon graduation.

Welding and Welded Structures
1.1.3 Engineering materials 3
1.1.2 Fuel, lubricants and industrial water 2
2.1.5 Welding metallurgy
2.2.5 Design and construction M
2.3.5 Construction optimization
3.1.5 Welding technology
3.2.5 Reliability of structures
3.3.5 Fracture mechanics and structural integrity
4.1 Skill praxis M - ZZK
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

Following the new world trends in the field of welding, necessary for fulfilling the requirements for trained specialists, starting from the academic year 2005/6, the Department for Engineering Materials and Welding, Tribology, Fuels and Combustion along with the Department for General Machine Design, and with the support from “Messer Tehnogas”, a.d. Belgrade, have jointly created the new elective module (profile) of academic studies within the master of science degree, called – Welding and Welded Structures (WWS).

The WWS module is designed to cover four major fields in the science of welding, compiled both in obligatory (compulsory) and selective courses of the M.Sc. academic studies:

  1. Welding processes and equipment, including both conventional and unconventional processes, as well as related processes.
  2. Materials and their behaviour during welding, focused on the weldability of all important structural materials.
  3. Design of welded structures, including strength and strain analysis and the structural integrity of welded joints; their reliability, remaining life assesment and quality assurance and quality control.
  4. Fabrication, application and welded joint engineering, with a special accent on non destructive testing methods and in-service behaviour. Failure analysis and repair welding procedure specifications with practical examples complete this topic dealing with the behaviour of welded joints at conditions of creep, fatigue, friction, wear, and corrosion.
Railway Mechanical Engineering
1.1.5 Rail vehicles 1
1.2.5 Theory of traction
2.1.5 Locomotive 1
2.2.5 Rail vehicles 2
2.3.5 Brakes of rail vehicles
3.1.5 Locomotive 2
3.2.5 Railway vehicles maintenance
3.3.5 Fundamentals of rail vehicle dynamics
4.1 Skill praxis M - ZEM
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

To be able to successfully work in the field of Railway Mechanical Engineering you should learn several things. First the wheels on rail movement and the guidance principles. Then we need to know different components of moving resistance. The power needed for train movement and resistance overcoming make difference in types of locomotives which are moving power transforming plants. Diesel-engine or electric power from the catenary needs to be transformed into mechanical energy. Pure mechanical gears can do this for low power locomotives only. In most other cases, electric or hydrodynamic gear is needed. But there are lot of variations and each of them needs appropriate control system. Unfortunately technical systems are not ideal, and some energy dissipation is always present. Cooling system of the locomotive has the task to bring out excessive heat generated by this cause. For the train, we need auxiliary power sources, like compressed air for the brake system and other devices. Compressor system on the locomotive should master that. And when we put the train in the movement, the dynamical forces and accelerations arise. What are the possible consequences, what are the acceptable limits, and what an engineer can do to keep all dynamical phenomena in acceptable limits, should be learned, too.

Another problem with the train in motion is how to stop the moving mass of several thousands ton? The brake system must be reliable, well coordinated within maybe hundred of vehicles in train, and safely controlled from the locomotive. We make the vehicles for people transportation and for freight traffic. They must be put in appropriate, strong enough structure. We need to learn how to design, calculate and afterwards to test the strength of structure. Something forgotten? Of course, we need to know how to maintain and repair these vehicles and… Lot of interesting things! Isn’t it?

Design in Mechanical Engineering
1.1.5 Structure modelling with calculation
1.2.5 Innovative design of technical systems
2.1.3 Ergonomic design
2.1.2 Bionics in design
2.2.5 Design and construction M
2.3.5 Decision-making methods
3.1.5 Software tools in design in mechanical engineering
3.2.5 Methods of optimization
3.3.5 Eco design
4.1 Skill praxis M - DUM
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

In this study module participation of several departments (General machine design, Production engineering, Aerospace engineering, Industrial engineering, Material handling, etc), ensures the needed multidisciplinary approach for this complex fi eld. Engineering design is combined with Industrial design, and enriched by bionics, ergonomics, aesthetics, ecology etc. Machine system, developed to provide function and user needs, is harmonized to human features, environmental and ecological needs. Machine systems are not supposed to disturb natural environment, but rather they should ennoble it.

Students have opportunity to perform numerous design activities such as Conceptual design (generate ideas – brainstorming), Embodiment design (design parameters defi nition, decision making, axiomatic and genetic methods, CAD shape modeling, FE methods application, simulations, etc). Additional activities comprise transformation of biological principals to technical systems (bionics), harmonization to human features (ergonomics) and to environment (ecology).

Aesthetic design is one of the main objectives which students can perform using CATIA software, 3D printing (rapid prototyping), etc. LECAD laboratory for Design in Mechanical Engineering is a member of International consortia for Engineering Design LECAD Group. Marija Paunov Graduate (MSc) student in Design in Mechanical Engineering Elective module, Design in Mechanical Engineering, trains mechanical engineers of general orientation with additional skills of new technical (mechanical) system development (Engineering Design); technical system harmonization with market needs (Industrial Design); harmonization with human being needs and natural environment. Mechanical engineer with listed skills has the main role in every expert team for product development in all branches of engineering.

Aerospace Engineering
1.1.5 Applied aerodynamics
1.2.5 Computational aerodynamics
2.1.5 Structural analysis
2.2.5 Flight dynamics
2.3.5 Composite structures
3.1.5 Aircraft control and systems
3.2.5 Aircraft propulsion
3.3.5 Aircraft design
4.1 Skill praxis M - VAZ
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

The mission of the Aerospace Engineering Department is to provide a quality undergraduate and graduate aerospace engineering education and to advance the engineering and science knowledge base through research. The educational programme is constantly updated to meet contemporary aerospace engineering demands and needs. The department offers coursework that fully prepares students to become members of advanced design teams prepared for the challenges of modern aerospace engineeringworldwide.

The goals of this programme

The educational objectives of the Aerospace Engineering programme are to produce graduates (after three or fi ve years of studying) whose expected accomplishments will be either successful careers in industry, private practice, government or research institutes or continuation to advanced postgraduate studies. After the faculty, the students will be skilled practitioners able to apply their knowledge and expertise when solving relevant engineering problems both in the aeronautical or related profession.

Naval Architecture
1.1.5 Ship resistance
1.2.5 Ship strength 1
2.1.5 Ship propulsion
2.2.5 Buoyancy and stability of ship 2
2.3.5 Ship structures 2
3.1.5 Ship design
3.2.5 Seakeeping
3.3.3 Marine engines
3.3.2 Industrial engineering methods and
techniques application in naval architecture
4.1 Skill praxis M - BRO
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

The main goal of study module is to provide advanced education and graduate engineers qualified to work successfully in the field related to various aspects of ships. Courses taught include ship buoyancy and stability, ship strength, ship structures, ship production, ship engines and equipment, seakeaping, maneuvering, (computer aided) ship design, but also advanced courses, for instance, ship waves, aero-hydrodynamics of sailing vessels, high speed craft, numerical methods in ship structural design, wave induced loads etc. The department graduates are engineers who are responsible for the design, construction, and/or repair of ships, boats, including: Merchant ships (oil/gas tankers, cargo ships, bulk carriers, container ships), Passenger/vehicle ferries, High speed craft, Yachts (power boats, and other recreational craft), various kinds of fl oating structures etc..

Our graduates typically work for shipyards, shipping companies, design firms and consultancies, equipment manufacturers, regulatory bodies and governments. Many of the department’s graduates now hold prominent positions in the shipbuilding industry in Serbia, Montenegro and other countries all across the globe (Canada, Australia, The Netherlands, etc.).

Biomedical Engineering
1.1.5 Spectroscopy methods and techniquess
1.2.5 Biomedical instrumentation and equipment
2.1.5 Early diagnostics
2.2.3 Biomechanics of tissue and organs
2.2.2 Introduction to nanotechnology
2.3.5 Signal processing
3.1.5 Nanotechnology
3.2.5 Clinical engineering
3.3.5 Nanomedical engineering
4.1 Skill praxis M - BMI
4.3 M.Sc. thesis

During M.Sc. mandatory and optional courses, students have opportunities to achieve knowledge in different fi elds such as tissue mechanics, signal processing, biomedical devices, nanotechnology, and get practical experience in organization and functioning of the environment in which they will apply their knowledge in the future professional career. Through combination of theoretical and practical work students learn to use and maintain modern equipment and perform applied research in biomedical engineering. There is an intensive collaboration between teaching staff of Biomedical Engineering module and medical doctors, biologists, chemists and engineers working in medical facilities and companies, that allow our students to conduct studies, improve existing and develop novel devices, materials and diagnostic methods through their Master thesis. Our approaches in biomedical engineering include invention of new methods, device improvement, equipment maintaining and applying information technologies in clinics.